Sunday, March 20, 2016

We're Back B******!

Hey, everybody! Sorry that we haven't been active lately (in two years, actually), but we here at Cheating Penguinz have decided that we should start up our website again. We know we have a lot of fans and they really missed our absence. We got lots of emails asking us to come back (especially from a girl named Maria in Arizona! She says she's our biggest fan. We get an email from her every week for the past two years asking us to come back), and we decided to finally answer your prayers! So get ready Cheating Penguinz cuz we are BACK!

Unfortunately, we are no longer members because we can no longer financially support ourselves. We ask our fans to please send any donations to us so we can possibly purchase one. (wink, wink Maria)

We often do not have access to the internet so we will not be able to update regularly until the summertime. We'll try and get something up at least once a week. We also would like to apologize if you do  not get quality cheats for you guys because our idol, Thinknoodles, is no longer active on Club Penguin. He was our main source of information. We here at Cheating Penguinz literally cheat off people! (Disclaimer: we did not actually cheat off of Thinknoodles. We love him but we would never disrespect him like that)

Again, once we obtain the necessary financial resources we will be back on Club Penguin with cheats for you guys. (How long does shipping take from Arizona, Maria?) 


Vladgirl and Qazwsxed1234

P.S. Vladgirl forgot her Club Penguin password and is worried it may be disabled due to inactivity. We ask you guys to send as many letters and emails as you can to the staff at Club Penguin to get our account back up. Possibly also ask for them to give us a free membership if you can. The winner will have their friend request accepted!

P.P.S. For now, Vladgirl will be active on her new account, Trashy Hoe. Please excuse the mature language. Make sure to send her a friend request and she might consider it!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Club Penguin Coin and Item Codes!

Hey everyone! It's Vladgirl. There are new Club Penguin Coin and Item codes for the Monsters University party.

REDSCARF- 500 coins
NOWHERE7- 500 coins
PERCIVAL- 500 coins

DISNEYMU- Rory Costume

Those are the Club Penguin Coin and Item codes! Waddle on!

New Pin at Ice Berg (July 11-24)

Hey everyone! It's Vladgirl! There is a pin at the iceberg apparently of a puffle monsters. ^.^ So cute!

I can't add a picture right now, but I will as soon as possible.

Waddle on!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Club Penguin Confirms Star Wars Takeover Party for July!

Hey everyone! It's Qazwsxed1234 and yesterday Club Penguin's Polo Field confirmed the Star wars Takeover Party for July! They released a really short teaser trailer that you can watch below.

Wadde on!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Club Penguin Coin Codes!

There are four new coin codes for Club Penguin! They give you a total of 2200 coins which is awesome if you want to do a little touching up on your new outfit or want to add a few special additions to your puffle family. ;-) Anyway, here they are:

  • MISTERIO – 700 coins
  • AMULETOS – 500 coins
  • PESCADOS  - 500 coins
  • GASOLINA – 500 coin
Just enter them in. If you don't know how to, just click on the link HERE! Waddle on!

New Puffle Digging Stamps!

PuffleStamps 1371140004 New Puffle Digging Stamps!

Hi everyone! It's Vladgirl! If you check the Club Penguin blog you might already know this, but Club Penguin has released 5 new stamps for you guys to collect! Apparently, if you're walking your puffle around the island with you, it'll randomly dig up coins for you! :-D Next month, they'll be able to dig up ITEMS for us!

That sounds awesome! And it's a great way to earn some extra pocket money. ;-D 

  1. Puffle Dig – Walk a puffle and find treasure
  2. See another player’s puffle find their first treasure
  3. Every Color – Dig up treasure with 11 different color puffles
  4. Dig All Day – Find puffle treasure 5 times a day
  5. Big Dig – Find over 50 coins in a Puffle dig
Those are the five stamps that you can collect. I guess I'm going to have to walk around my puffle more often; her name's Rainbow Dash. :-D Brony On!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats

Hey everyone! It's Vladgirl and I'm going to show you the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats. 

Go to your igloo and open up edit mode so you can open the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats. Here's what you should see.

Open it up; there's no cheats on the first page, so turn the page to the second page. There's a rock by the water that has cheat; the Secret Stone Igloo.

Next, turn the page a few times until you get to the Penthouse. The circle closest to where the three different floors meet is a secret cheat; a Snowglobe Igloo. Also, on the third window in the Warehouse there is a cheat; an Estate Igloo.

Turn the page to find the Creepy Cavern. Press on the doors in the Creepy Cavern to get the Grey Ice Castle and press on the first two windows in the Dragon's Lair to get a Shadowy Keep.

Turn the page, and then turn the page again so you're at the Deluxe Snow Igloo. Press on the door to get the Secret Deluxe Snow Igloo. 

 That's all the cheats in the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats! Waddle on!