Tuesday, June 18, 2013

April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats

Hey everyone! It's Vladgirl and I'm going to show you the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats. 

Go to your igloo and open up edit mode so you can open the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats. Here's what you should see.

Open it up; there's no cheats on the first page, so turn the page to the second page. There's a rock by the water that has cheat; the Secret Stone Igloo.

Next, turn the page a few times until you get to the Penthouse. The circle closest to where the three different floors meet is a secret cheat; a Snowglobe Igloo. Also, on the third window in the Warehouse there is a cheat; an Estate Igloo.

Turn the page to find the Creepy Cavern. Press on the doors in the Creepy Cavern to get the Grey Ice Castle and press on the first two windows in the Dragon's Lair to get a Shadowy Keep.

Turn the page, and then turn the page again so you're at the Deluxe Snow Igloo. Press on the door to get the Secret Deluxe Snow Igloo. 

 That's all the cheats in the April 2013 Club Penguin Igloo Catalog Cheats! Waddle on!

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